Minggu, 21 November 2010

Update " rf_clock generator 38,4 mhz "

Update from: http://ponselliners.blogspot.com/2010/11/rfclk-generator-384mhz.html

Simple use DIY rf_clock 38.4 :

- Check and make sure the rf_clock 38.4 mhz frequency with frequency counter, if known good frequency means you do not have to use this tool, the damage can not be reached with the help of this tool.

Check and make sure the rf_clock 38.4 mhz frequency with frequency counter, if known bad frequency immediately find the center point toward the cpu rf_clock if you do not know it open a service manual or scheme, upon discovery center rf_clock point leading to the cpu. DIY tools rf_clock needle stick at the center point rf_clock generator after it hit the switch on.

to do when rf_clock damaged is measuring the voltage VR1 at 2.5 V voltage found to be damaged when doing jumpers to another voltage which is equivalent in value.
Measure the frequency of XTAL 38.4 mhz if found defective replace damaged XTAL.

Attention :

- Keep in mind this tool will not work if the working voltage cpu does not fit into the criteria of good, cpu damage, damage to LDO, or damage to other hardware.

-This tool only temporarily change the frequency of 38.4 mhz.
this tool to help turn the phone on without the switch on the rf, so when the phone is alive then the signal will not come out

if there are difficulties in using this tool please contact me at

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